Kerikeri Domain: The restoration of the fire damaged grandstand building
This building was damaged by fire by some youths more than a year ago and has not been used by various community groups since. The insurance cost has only been partially paid out. FNDC held a meeting of Stakeholders on 15th March, including VKK, where diverse views were expressed. A number of building users wanted restoration but were concerned about its inadequacies if reinstated as it was, which is all the insurance will pay for. However, Improved community facilities are not funded or in a programme. The Squash Club which has two damaged Courts wishes to expand and said it could relocate elsewhere.
[endif]--The domain is an iconic central venue for large scale events. The existing building, if it were demolished, would give longer term opportunities by freeing up the Domain/Cobham Road boundary. Alternatively, architects might be able to propose opening it up as a more modern usable, attractive space. We do need shelter from rain in this area, more consideration for movement of heavy vehicles on the grass perimeter, and traffic calming! i.e., the future use of the domain is directly linked to the traffic plan for the area?
Kerikeri has a long history of not having clear direction from ''community'' because of the diversity of opinions and vested interests.
There are a number of issues:
The cost of demolition. What is left over and available for other options? Apparently not very much.
The possibility of money left over to create a usable roofed open pavilion that can adapt to a wide range of uses.
The value of open space, and the use / landscaping of this space.
Replacement of the toilets?
The major problem is that there is no Domain Management Plan and thus the risk of short term ad hoc solutions.
The demographics: ageing of the population, future use of the domain including mothers, children, teenagers, need for some sort of public shelter against rain etc.
At the Community Board meeting in April, Council officers recommended demolition of the building and that any residual insurance proceeds be used for transitioning the squash Club to the Kerikeri Sports Complex and, that a Domain Management Plan be developed. The Community Board decided not to accept the recommendation until a Domain Management Plan has been formulated.