By Rod Brown
Jul 30, 20192 min read
This opportunity for Kerikeri River Esplanade should be pursued
If you regularly drive or walk along Kerikeri Road heading towards the Heritage Bypass, you will have probably noticed real estate signs...
We have created this news styled site as a way of regularly posting updates on matters that should be of interest to you as a resident of or business operator in Kerikeri.
Your support through participation in our projects or, through reading and sharing our articles on this site, will help to continue to make Kerikeri a great place to live and do business in.
You can read more about our Vision here
We welcome donations.
Hiring planning expertise for critical submissions to the FNDC is expensive and projects such as the Wairoa Stream restoration is largely dependent on donations of cash or in kind.
You can make a donation by the following method:
Direct Credit to our Bank A/C Our Account number is: 38-9020-0683647-02 Please add your name in the Particulars field and DONATION in the Code or Reference field.
Get a copy of Rod Brown's story about the Wairoa Stream projects. $30 plus postage if required. Books available direct from Rod.
A working bee is held on the first and third Monday of every month from 0830 to 1130.
A public planting is usually held in June of each year - details will be posted closer to the date.
If you are interested in any of these please contact Rod Brown