Kerikeri Primary School planting on Wairoa Stream
A group of pupils from the Kerikeri Primary School planted nearly 100 native plants along side the Wairoa Stream on Friday, 15 September.

The planting site is roughly half way along the new walking track between the Pa Road footbridge and Cobham Road.
The site had been a tangle of blackberries and gorse before being cleared by Friends of the Wairoa Stream over recent weeks.
The planters, some as young as five, walked into the planting site from near the Stone Store before enthusiastically 'taking to the spades'. Well done!
This is another great contribution to the native bush restoration work that is being undertaken in tandem with the development of a walking track alongside the Wairoa Stream.
An added bonus for these young planters is that they will be able to come back as adults and see the mature forest that they planted way back in 2017.