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By Rod Brown

CBD roading - it needs to be a high priority for Council Plan

An alternate CBD traffic route for Kerikeri is the most pressing infrastructure element (now that the waste water upgrade is underway) required to allow Kerikeri to deal with growth in it's population.

Effective traffic management was recognised in the Kerikeri - Waipapa Structure Plan accepted by Council back in 2007. But, this along with most elements of that plan, have largely been ignored or forgotten.

The catalyst for recognition in that plan was; that Kerikeri was unprepared for the growth spurt in the early part of the last decade. While the population was static in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, we are again experiencing strong growth and, we are still unprepared for it.

Kerikeri's roading system, for historical reasons, is linear and continues to develop in this way. Dead end streets feeding into an increasingly congested main thoroughfare that makes accessing and travel along Kerikeri road an ever increasing challenge.

Vision Kerikeri has, since it's inception, been raising this issue with Council and has again canvassed Council for the inclusion of a CBD grid road system in central Kerikeri as a high priority in the Long Term Planning process currently under way.

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