Rod Brown delivers his final AGM report as Chairperson
Rod delivered his 14th and final Chairpersons report at a packed St John Hall on Saturday. He highlighted the activity over the year which ranged from ongoing support for the work on the Wairoa Stream to the more challenging issues that Kerikeri is facing as a result of strong population growth and a lack of planning. He also reminded the audience of the proposed eight story building that was the genesis of Vision Kerikeri.

Rod Brown delivers his 14th Chairpersons Address
Far North District Council Mayor John Carter attended the meeting. He thanked Rod for his long service to the community and also talked to some of the points that Rod had raised in his report, outlining some of the actions that Council were looking to put in place.
Nominations for both the committee and the position of Chairperson were called for with David Clendon being elected as the new Chairperson.
On taking over the Chair David paid tribute to the long and dedicated service given by both Rod Brown and retiring secretary, Bob Bubendorfer. Both were presented with life membership certificates.

The incoming and outgoing Chairperson
Guest speaker, Rod Oram, then delivered a thought provoking address on the pivotal point that mankind has reached in the new Anthropocene era. He highlighted the many threats and challenges that this is posing for both the World, New Zealand and communities such as Kerikeri. It was not all doom and gloom and Rod talked enthusiastically about the opportunities to create a new and better 'World' but time is not our friend in pushing through the required changes. While high profile international accords were important he felt that the real driver of change will, and needs to, take place at a community level. This set the scene for Inger Bremer to give a preview of the Carbon Neutral Kerikeri' project which The Carbon Neutral NZ Trust is aiming to launch in September / October this year. Inger gave a preview of how the project will give all of us the opportunity to start to take the type of action that Rod Oram had talked about in his presentation.

Rod Oram explains The Doughnut economy

Inge Bremer introduces the Carbon Neutral Kerikeri project
I am sure many of those present would have been keen to keep the conversation going but the meeting was already running well over time.
It was great to see such a strong attendance and interest in the ongoing activities of Vision Kerikeri.
Finally, thanks to Rod and Bob for their long service. Rod is continuing as a committee member and will continue to drive the Wairoa Stream Projects.
Rod Browns report and the financials can be viewed at the links below. There is also an email address for Carbon Neutral Kerikeri if you would like more information or would like to get involved.
Contact Carbon Neutral Kerikeri: