Draft Domain Management Plan open for public consultation
Updated: Sep 17, 2020

The future of the Kerikeri Domain is something that has been covered in previous articles on this site. It has been an ongoing issue since the pavilion was damaged by fire back in 2016.
The Far North District Council resolved to prepare a reserve management plan for Kerikeri Domain on 22 June 2017 and surveyed the community from 26 June to 26 July to get preliminary feedback. That feedback has been analysed, presented to the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Community Board which formed a community reference group to and used to help draft the reserve management plan that the Council is now seeking feedback on.
The Council provides a numbers of means by which you can give your feedback:
Complete a submission form online by clicking this link: Draft Management Plan
Email your feedback to submissions@fndc.govt.nz
Fill in a printed submission form which is available at our Kerikeri Service Centre (Ground Floor, John Butler Centre, Kerikeri Road) or at the Procter Library on Cobham Road.
Speak to elected members about your submission at a public hearing in April 2019.
The closing date for you to provide written feedback is 15 March 2019.