Better access to Taronui Recreation Reserve needed

Many of you will be aware of the diminishing access to our surrounding coastline, primarily as a result of private land developments.
Taronui Recreation Reserve (see map) is one area that the public can still access. However, that access is very limited, being a 3.4km Crown owned conservation strip that can only be negotiated on foot. Without vehicle access, this beautiful area is inaccessible to many people looking for a days enjoyment at the coast. The area is ideal for a family day out, snorkelling in the lagoon or surfing - all activities that involve getting gear into the location.
A project to gain vehicle access was well underway in 2006, after discussion with Ngati Rehia, but it died when the council allocated funds set aside for Taronui access, to another project.
Keri Malloy of Kerikeri started a petition some months ago to try and get some action from The Department of Conservation (DOC) and the Far North District Council (FNDC) to resurrect this vehicle access project. Despite having gained 5,765 signatures (at the time of writing), Keri advises that that after 2 months there has still not been a response from either DOC or the FNDC.
Despite the disappointing lack of response from these organisations, Keri is not intending to give up and if you have not already read and signed the petition you can do so at this link: