This opportunity for Kerikeri River Esplanade should be pursued

If you regularly drive or walk along Kerikeri Road heading towards the Heritage Bypass, you will have probably noticed real estate signs (image above) advertising the tender of what has been know as the 'Bing Property'. The tender closes on 31 October 2019.
What you may not be aware of, is that this forested property that provides a distinctive backdrop to the landscape of the town and has done so for about 90 years, is bordered by the Kerikeri River and is shown as Esplanade Priority on the Council's District Plan Map.
While we recognise that the property is not yet sold and that there is as yet no application for sub-division, we do urge The Far North District Council to take this (rare) opportunity to take steps to acquire a 20 metre Esplanade Reserve, as a matter of priority. In the first instance, by raising the matter with prospective purchasers or enquirers.
An Esplanade Reserve would enable the formalisation of the 'Old Bing Track' that runs from Fairy Pools Reserve to Tuatahi Place, and allow the track to be reinstated and development by community volunteer groups. This has been achieved along the Wairoa Stream with the now popular track allowing people to walk the more than 3km from Alderton Park to Campbell Lane.
Vision Kerikeri believes that reinstating the 'Old Bing Track' would fill an important gap in the Kerikeri River walking network by creating an essential linkage downstream towards the Heritage Bypass and Peacock Gardens, and also upstream to a proposed new loop walkway from Golf View Rd upstream to exit at Riverstone Lane.
Vision Kerikeri has written to the Far North District Council recommending:
FNDC acquire a 20 metre Esplanade Reserve from Fairy Pools Reserve to Tuatahi Place, as a priority.
FNDC designate as Esplanade Reserve the 150 metre strip between Fairy Falls Reserve to Peacock Garden Reserve to formalise the linkage.
We will keep you posted on this.