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The Objectives of Vision for Kerikeri

The fundamental object of the Society is to work cooperatively with all sectors of the Kerikeri and Environs community, to prepare or see prepared and implemented a plan of development for the community which ensures that:

(a) the community identifies and describes the amenity values and outcomes it values and wants for the area and that sustainable town centre and district development under pressures of continuing rapid growth is well managed;

(b) Kerikeri and Environs is an area focused on a vibrant, attractive, accessible, safe and sustainable town centre connected to its heritage, natural and rural environment;

(c) while protecting and enhancing the underlying urban design structure of the Kerikeri town centre an effective road system is developed to enable people to move around the town and district with ease;

(d) together with well engineered solutions to traffic movement a streetscape policy is developed and implemented;

(e) public open space is recognized as making a significant contribution to the community’s quality of life allowing both active and passive recreation whilst enhancing the natural and built environment;

(f) the way in which buildings shape public spaces is improved by encouraging high standard exterior design, that an indoor-outdoor lifestyle is expressed, that design responds to the quality of the natural light and that planting reflects the subtropical microclimate;

(g) the Society supports the implementation of the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol which has the objectives of improving the social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being of a community;

(h) it is reinforced that the benefits of sound community development planning and quality urban design accrue to businesses through increased productivity and prestige, to communities in improved environments and safer, healthier places to live in, and to developers and investors in better returns on investment.


If you would like to be become member of the Society you can download our membership form here.

Vision Kerikeri Constitution (PDF)



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